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Padmasambhava Buddhist Center
Padmasambhava Buddhist Center spreads the teachings of buddhism according to the nyingma school lineage of Tibet.

Shamanistic Studies & Research Centre
Founded in 1988 by Mohan L. Rai for the purpose of bringing western students together with Himalayan shamans, both to preserve this priceless ancient knowledge and to bring the practice and healing techniques to the western world.

Kopan Monastery, Nepal
Kopan Monastery - An International Center for Study and Meditation. Know more about Monastic Life, religious and cultural heritage of Tibet, and Khachoe Ghakyil Ling - the Kopan Nunnery.

UNESCO Nepal World Heritage Sites

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Nepal Standard Time
December 27, 2024, 8:15 PM
Foreign Exchange Rates
s="text-info font-weight-semi-bold font-size-s">(For the purpose of Nepal Rastra Bank Note: Under the present system the open market exchange rates quoted by different banks may differ.
Currency Unit Buy Sell
U.S. Dollar 1 136.13 136.73
European Euro 1 141.58 142.21
UK Pound Sterling 1 170.58 171.34
Swiss Franc 1 151.27 151.94
Australian Dollar 1 84.85 85.22
Canadian Dollar 1 94.64 95.06
Singapore Dollar 1 100.23 100.67
Japanese Yen 10 8.64 8.68
Chinese Yuan 1 18.65 18.73
Saudi Arabian Riyal 1 36.25 36.41
Qatari Riyal 1 37.35 37.52
Thai Baht 1 3.98 4.00
UAE Dirham 1 37.06 37.23
Malaysian Ringgit 1 30.46 30.60
South Korean Won 100 9.29 9.33
Swedish Kroner 1 12.31 12.36
Danish Kroner 1 18.98 19.06
Hong Kong Dollar 1 17.53 17.60
Kuwaity Dinar 1 441.68 443.63
Bahrain Dinar 1 360.75 362.34
Omani Rial 1 353.57 355.12